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TYOLD Day 85: Quilt as Art

I’ve never really done much with the places I live in terms of what you might call decor.  I like things simple and clean – furniture with drawers and doors to hide the clutter and little on the walls other than a few Vegas related bits of color. Since I...

TYOLD Day 84: The Quilt

For several years, my friend Mary and I went on road trips that we called Plucky Survivors See America.  We did four of them, first in 2006 through Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Alabama.  Next in 2007 we did the Midwest with Illinois,...

TYOLD Day 83: Boost

Today’s Differently is kind of lame, but I have a good excuse.  I wasn’t feeling great – I was thinking I had a cold coming on – and I had worked all weekend and was facing a very long day on this Monday (which turned out to be almost 13 hours...

TYOLD Day 82: Where Kimberly & Giles Lived

Took a little drive today to the Los Feliz area of LA, about 10 miles from where I live to get a picture of a building that factored heavily into not one, but two of my all-time favorite TV shows. The most obvious is Melrose Place, of course, that 1990s camp fest that...