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Oh the life of a Burbank Borg

It seems our favorite multi-tubed Borg Rick was a bit too boisterous on his first night after surgery and may have dislodged his ol’ J-tube. So after a day of increasing pain it was back into surgery Sunday night for confirmation of the blowout and a re-seating...

Missive from the ICU bed

The ventilator came out this morning and there are various tubes going in and out of Rick’s body at the moment. Very Star Trek Borg, thankfully minus the grey pallor. For the moment he just has one thing to say: “Ow.”

Update on Rick’s Magical Surgical Tour

Okay. So after a loooong day that started with a two-and-a-half hour delayed surgical start time and close to six-and-a-half hours of actual surgery I’m happy to report that Rick’s reconstructive surgery to become Rachel was a success. Happy birthday girl!...

About My Upcoming Spa Day

So yeah, I guess I’m having the surgery.  The primary reason I know that is because I have stopped eating per the instructions that were given to me.  It wasn’t really a conscious choice, it just sort of happened.  Of course giving away all of the food in my...


I was never really all that good at math.  To this day it remains my father’s greatest disappointment in me that I can’t do anything but the simplest of addition in my head.  I figure if I really needed to do complicated long division on my own, they wouldn’t have...