I’ll Eat To That
Travel diaries, food porn, random rants, and various musings about stuff that I feel like musing about.
Blog Posts

The Poseidon Adventure 2: The Sinking of Manhattan
The plan for this trip changed about 16 times. I was going to go to Ptown; and then I added a road trip up to Boston and Maine to do a little leaf peeping and visit with an old (emphasis on old) friend; and then I found out Rachel Bloom was doing a show in NYC for 4...

Janet Jackson Appreciation Day
Today is Janet Jackson Appreciation Day. If you don't know why, Google it. It has to do with the Super Bowl incident. In honor of that, I have compiled a list and a YouTube playlist of my favorite Janet Jackson songs. It includes major hits that you know and love,...

The Top 100 Disco Songs of All Time
The Top 100 Disco Songs of All Time by Rick Garman I'm turning 54 this year, so in honor of the legendary Studio 54 nightclub, I'm hereby present to you my list of the Top 100 Disco Songs of all time. Why? Well, mostly because I'm coronabored, but also why not? I am...

Visiting the Pulse Memorial
I went to my first gay bar when I was 15. I didn't go because I was gay, of course. I went because a friend identified as gay and they would let us in to drink, or at least that's why my 15-year-old "I'm not gay!" brain told me. The people at the bar knew better. They...
Understanding Some Common Arguments of Gun Rights Advocates (and How to Counter Them)
Recently, a friend of mine posted a meme on her Facebook feed with a list of what gun control advocates believe are common sense measures that could reduce gun violence. Predictably, gun rights advocates attacked it with arguments that were, for the most part, filled...
My Top 50 Prince Songs Countdown
Not long after Prince faked his death and moved to a tropical island to live with a couple of hot models who follow him around all day striking random poses (you believe what you want to believe, I'll believe what I want to believe), I culled a list of what I felt...
Savannah 2017 Part One: Good Food, Good Drag, Good Movies
I still can't quite put my finger on what it is about Savannah but whenever I get here I sort feel like I'm home. There's something about the history, the people, the scenery, and the general laid back attitude mixed with a healthy dose of mystery in the air - like...
Minneapolis: Blasts from the Past, Maid-Rites, and Prince
Why do I write about the travels I take? Part of it is because I have been doing travel writing for nearly 20 years so even though I didn’t take this particular trip to write about it, not writing about it seems weird and incomplete. But the bigger reason is that I...
February 16, 2010
Again, this is how I remember it - what happened seven years ago today. But first, one of my favorite pictures of the two of us... My ring tone is the sound of a duck quacking. I don’t know why except that I’m lazy and cheap and don’t feel like changing it or buying...
February 15, 2010
This is how I remember it. I could spend a lot of time talking about the difference between perceived reality and actual reality and the huge canyon that straddles the gap, but it’s been done before and better than I ever could. For now, let’s just say that this is my...
Deeper Dives
The Year of Living With Cancer
In 2012, I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. To help myself cope with it, I wrote about it. A lot. And yes, the picture of Angela and Jordan will make sense at some point if you read enough.
The Year of Living Differently
After cancer, I decided to try to mix things up and do something different every single day for a year. Did I make it?
50 for 50 by 50
To celebrate, or perhaps to distract myself from, my impending 50th birthday in 2016, I embarked on a project to give $50 to 50 different charities by the time I turned 50.
Gun Violence
A page full of facts to help you be better informed about the issues surrounding gun violence in the United states.