Gastro-Guy has been on vacation for the last couple of weeks and just returned to work today to find a somewhat hysterical message from me waiting for him. I’m not really hysterical but anxiety level is creeping steadily upward and I sort of needed a familiar voice to calm me down instead of those coming from all of these new-fangled doctors that I have been seeing lately.
He reassured me of several things. First, he confirmed that in his opinion, Dr. Frenchy is, in fact, the guy I want cutting into me. As Gastro-Guy put it, “You pick a surgeon based on skill, not on personality.” Good advice and officially taken to heart.
Second, he agreed that Dr. Frenchy and Dr. Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius are probably skeptical of the Stage 1 diagnosis for the very reasons I outlined in my post on Friday. In the last 5 years, Gastro-Guy has sent them only a couple of real Stage 1 patients so they are very, very rare. However, he still firmly believes that it is Stage 1 for me and put a 90-95% probability on it. Being a gamblin’ man, those odds are appealing to me.
Then again, many slot machines are set at 90-95% payback, and we know how often those actually come up with jackpots so we wait until the PET scan to actually come all the way off the ledge.
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