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PETting Zoo

My PET scan has finally been scheduled for Tuesday, July 24th.  What is a PET scan, you may be wondering.  I knew I was. Actually I knew of PET scans from my friend Mary’s long tribulations with breast cancer but my knowledge of them was limited to a vague...

Ambivalent Indecision

At work, I have always been known as the “get it done guy.” At home, I am a master of sitting on my ass and doing nothing. How do I reconcile these two seemingly dichotomous personality traits?  Well, it’s like this.  I can embrace the sitting on my...

Talking Me Down off the Ledge

Gastro-Guy has been on vacation for the last couple of weeks and just returned to work today to find a somewhat hysterical message from me waiting for him.  I’m not really hysterical but anxiety level is creeping steadily upward and I sort of needed a familiar...

The Last Steak

The Smokehouse in Burbank, California, July 15th. In attendance: LeeAnn, Chuck, Wes, Nettie, Diana, Steve, Laura, and Steve (different one). Consumed: 7 or 8 pieces of the cheesy garlic bread; onion rings; a cup of the French onion soup; a 12 ounce Filet Mignon; a...

It’s All Making Sense Now

I had kind of a bad reaction after I met Dr. Frenchy, which I was chalking up to him not being a teddy bear of a man.  Today I met with the oncologist and now a lot of stuff is starting to make sense to me.  I realize that my reaction to Dr. Frenchy was not because of...

All the World’s a Stage

Before we go any farther it is important to have a brief digression into the various types, stages, and potential outcomes for esophageal cancer. This will become key soon for reasons that will become obvious. There are two types of esophageal cancer.  Squamous...