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TYOLD Day 52: Savannah’s Squares

I have been working on a novel – an epic, really – that I’ll tell you more about later, but the important thing about it as it relates to The Year of Living Differently is that I learned, today, about Savannah, Georgia’s squares. A big chunk of...

TYOLD Day 51: Radioactive Shingles

Because of my different oncologist, I had to get my PET scan in a new place today – the Roy and Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center in Burbank.  It’s significantly nicer than the place in Glendale I had been going to, which had the Liberace lobby and was...

TYOLD Day 50: The Trevor Project

I’m a little too broken to do anything too original for my Differently today.  For the record, shingles suck. But this pain is transitory and temporary and will get better eventually and I will forget about it and move on and I was thinking about that and how...

TYOLD Day 48: Capital-izing

A few weeks ago I boasted that I could name all 50 states in alphabetical order in under 30 seconds.  Still true. I used to know is all of the state capitals but that has faded over time to the point where I wasn’t sure if I could get past a dozen or so. Today I...

TYOLD Day 47: Four Years

For my Differently today, I have a story I want to tell. I’ve told pieces of it before to various people; some of this is from a book I wrote but then never did anything with. But I’ve never put it together in quite this way. It’s a bit long but I hope you’ll...