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TYOLD Day 46: Examples of Irony

Example #1: I have always wanted to go to the Petersen Automotive Museum here in Los Angeles but the primary thing that has stopped me is that I didn’t want to sit in all the traffic I’d need to sit in to get to its mid-Wilshire location. Example #2: When...

TYOLD Day 45: Valentine’s Schmalentine’s

One the one hand, Valentine’s Day seems to be engineered to make all of us who don’t have a significant other feel as though we are pathetic loser who will never find true happiness or love and will die alone, surrounded by cats, sitting on our respective...

TYOLD Day 44: Random Acts of Kindness Day 4

Late in the day I got word that the PET scan had been approved by the insurance company, so now just waiting for scheduling.  Now that I’m seeing Dr. Kangaroo instead of Dr. Wile E. Coyote, they are sending me to a different place to get the scan done, which...