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TYOLD Day 17: Differently Spontaneous

I heard a commercial on the radio this morning on the way to work. I don’t remember what product they were selling, so in the end it wasn’t that great of a commercial, but it featured various people saying that they were resolving to do things that would...

TYOLD 16: The Boringest Place On Earth

Woodland Hills is the capital of the boxy office building, with acres and acres of office parks that are filled with boxy buildings that are always beige, if not in color than at least in style, often both. The complex I work in is a massive affair with seven...

TYOLD Day 15: Shaken, Not Stirred

Two shocking admissions…. I am 47 years old but have never owned a proper set of martini glasses and, although I made them for others when I was a bartender, have never made myself a proper vodka martini. Both of those egregious oversights have been corrected....

TYOLD Day 14: Keep Calm and Carry On

I have lost my poker face. I used to be really good at masking my emotions, good or bad, in public or professional settings, maintaining a calm visage most of the time. I have never actually played a serious game of poker (something for TYOLD?) but I would have been...

TYOLD Day 13: Radio Daze

I have a suck commute.  Yes, there are others who have worse, but the roughly 14 miles of the 101 Freeway through the San Fernando Valley that I have to traverse every day is one of the seven circles of hell. That drive, which should take less than 15 minutes to make,...